How would your life change if you identified all the programs running within you and broke down the ones that did not align with your true self’s vision?
In this mini-pod episode, Molly chats briefly about internal upheaval.
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Hello, everyone. Welcome back to another mini pod episode of the humble podcast. I hope wherever you are, you're able just to take a moment, take a big breath, really breathe because it's been really crazy. And today I want to talk about something that might feel big maybe a bit overwhelming, but I truly believe it's one of the most important things we can be talking about right now.
And that is the idea of upheaval and internal. upheaval, specifically. You don't have to look far these days to see a people out there in the world. Everywhere we look, there's something breaking down systems, structures, ways of thinking. It's very intense. I think overall, it's probably a good thing. But it's very uncomfortable.
And actually what it is it's just a reflection, a feedback system that is telling us how we're transforming internally both collectively, which is a little rough Let's be honest. And individually in our individual lives the external is a reflection of what's happening in the internal. So the real change begins within each of us.
So that's what I want to talk about today is the people within why that's a good thing and how we can initiate it and help it along its way.
So let's start with what I mean by programming, because if you're not familiar with using that word in the context of like human beings, it might sound a bit funny because typically it is a term reserved for computers. But it's also what we humans have been running on our entire lives.
So you can think of programming as the Automatic beliefs, patterns, and responses that we pick up from families, cultures, our experiences, the people we hang out with, society as a whole. It's all the things that have been downloaded into our subconscious mind that dictate how we see the world, how we act, and even.
What we believe about ourselves, about who we are. We often identify with our programming. Most people will live out their whole lives running on program alone, meaning that their divine essence, who they truly are, will be offline for their entire life, and it might come through and just.
Kind of brief moments of transcendence where they feel expansive love. But those moments will be like really fleeting and few and far between, and they will go their whole lives. running on programming. And I personally believe that most of us have probably been through lots of lifetimes where we ran on programming alone, but this one is a lifetime with lots of potential because this is the life in which we wake up.
We bring our divine essence online and we really get into our subconscious, see which programs we're running and have a bit of an upheaval, get rid of the ones that are no longer serving us and don't align with what our true hearts desire. So [00:03:00] it's not to say that programming is a bad thing.
We need it for survival and actually fear is one of the best programming languages that we have, which is, maybe why. Political campaigns run off of fear in the media runs off of fear because fear can program people and it can also play into existing program. If you have a limiting belief about something, if you believe that people who look different than you, for instance, are out to get you, then Anyone who wants to be in a position of power can play into that belief in order for you to believe that person will keep you safe from your belief system.
And this happens on both sides. So I don't mean to get political in this conversation, but it is the way in which a lot of systems and structures in our world today operate. One good thing to think about is how many of your reactions, decisions, actions each day are actually really conscious decisions, and how many are just reactions?
How many are just automatic responses? And I tend to believe that a lot of people don't really know how to react. That they are acting automatically from a childhood wound or a program that, society has embedded within them. They're just identifying so strongly with it that they say, Oh yeah, I make all my decisions.
I very intentionally made myself into the person that I am today. But once you start digging deeper, you say, Oh, I actually do that thing because of this thing that happened to me when I was a child or, whatever the case may be. The thing that's interesting is that underneath the programming exists our real.
So underneath all those learned responses, conditioned belief, there's a part of us that's real. And you can call it soul, you can call it divine essence, you can call it anything. Your God self or source whatever name resonates with you. It's the part of us that isn't limited by fear and conditioning and the patterns that we've absorbed over a lifetime.
So when we're able to override our programming and really allow for our true essence to shine through, we're able to respond from a deeper. More real place. The part of us that's connected to source connected to God, or that is God. And the more that we connect to that, the more we live from that place of love and authenticity.
And then the world changes. But getting there. Requires upheaval, this internal upheaval where we confront and challenge everything we thought we knew about ourselves. So how do we do it? How do we start this work of upheaval because honestly it can be really messy. It's also completely possible.
But anyone who is going through an awakening process will see it just like how unorganized and chaotic and messy and uncomfortable it really is. First things first, we have to become aware of our programming, like really start paying attention. So I'm not.
Talking about being harsh with yourself or trying to fix anything right away. Just notice how you react to things. Notice what comes up when you're triggered. For example, if someone says something that frustrates you, instead of just reacting and giving, your nervous system is reacting and you want to respond right away.
Instead of doing that, just pause and asks, where's that coming from? Why am I so triggered? And sometimes it's surprising what comes up. Beliefs that you didn't even realize were there. Another key to this work is getting comfortable with discomfort. Because when you start digging into your programming, it can be really uncomfortable and you might start to notice old patterns and realize, Oh wait, they don't align with who I want to be.
And that's okay. That's actually great. It means you're starting to question. And questioning is the first step to changing. And I think perhaps just from what I'm intuiting, this is where a lot of people in our community are today. It's this place of looking at what triggers us, looking at our patterns, looking at our programming and being like, wait a minute, that's not actually aligned.
with who I want to be, but I keep doing it and I can't stop doing it. How do I stop? So anyway, we're becoming aware, we're questioning what's next. This is where we start to bring more of our divine essence forward. And it's not like some huge mystical process. It can be as simple as choosing to respond differently.
For example, let's say you've noticed a pattern of judgment that comes up maybe towards others, maybe towards yourself, instead of feeding into that judgment. When it comes up, we can try choosing compassion just once, like just to see how it feels. And that's been really like this radical thing in my life is what if I did the opposite of what I feel like doing right now?
And then just seeing how it plays out as an experiment, because every time we choose compassion, Over judgment, love, over fear, presence, over reaction, we're creating that internal upheaval, breaking down the old programming, making space for our divine essence to step in. And it's not about being perfect or getting it right.
It's about making small conscious choices that align with the truth of who you really are.
So many of our systems and structures are built on old beliefs, rooted in competition, scarcity, fear. And if we keep running on this kind of programming, what we've seen, where it's gotten us so far, right? Like it's just not sustainable.
We have to change. So if we want to create a world that thrives, a world where we truly care for each other and the planet. that change has to start within. A lot of people have a program deeply embedded in them that says the planet's not a living creature. The planet doesn't have a soul. The planet is not conscious.
It is just something that we take resources from. It is the kingdom over which, we have domain. And that in itself is a program that has caused a lot of destruction of the earth. We have to start doing the work internally and questioning what comes up within us. It's not easy work, but it's worth it.
So if you're listening to this and you're feeling that tug to look deeper, I encourage you to start just by becoming aware by questioning, by choosing in the small moments to respond differently, choosing love over fear. And as each of us does this, we create A ripple effect and one that I believe can bring us into a whole new era, a whole new golden age where humanity truly embodies our divine essence, love, compassion, and unity.
Thank you for joining me on this journey in the little talk about upheaval today. I hope you'll take a little time to reflect, to notice your own programming and to begin this beautiful, messy, transformative work of internal upheaval. Because I think we need it. I think you need it. I think I need it.
The world needs it. And I think now more than ever we're all ready for it.