Enneagram Type 2 - The Helper: Core Traits and Behaviors

Enneagram Type 2, also known as "The Helper" or "The Giver," is characterized by a deep need to be loved and needed, often putting others' needs above their own. Helpers are empathetic, generous, and supportive, driven by a desire to make meaningful connections and feel appreciated. In this article, we will explore the core traits, motivations, fears, desires, and behaviors of Type 2, along with their growth and stress paths, holy idea, and original wound.

Core Traits

Generous: Helpers are giving and nurturing, always ready to lend a hand or offer support. Their generosity extends to both tangible and emotional support.

Demonstrative: Type 2s are expressive with their feelings and are often warm, affectionate, and enthusiastic in their interactions with others.

People-Pleasing: Helpers have a strong desire to be liked and appreciated. They often go out of their way to please others and meet their needs.

Possessive: While their intentions are rooted in love, Helpers can become possessive and overly involved in the lives of those they care about.


Helpers are motivated by a deep need to feel loved and appreciated. They seek to establish strong, meaningful connections with others and derive a sense of identity and self-worth from their ability to help and care for others.


The primary fear of Type 2 is being unwanted or unworthy of love. This fear drives their desire to be indispensable and to ensure that they are needed by those around them.


The core desire of Type 2 is to feel loved and appreciated. They want to be seen as valuable and cherished by others, which validates their sense of self-worth.

Holy Idea and Original Wound

Holy Idea: The holy idea for Type 2 is Holy Freedom, representing the divine quality of unconditional love and freedom. When connected to this holy idea, Helpers recognize that love is inherent and unconditional, and does not need to be earned through their actions.

Original Wound: The original wound for Type 2 is the perceived loss of unconditional love. This wound instills a deep need to earn love through self-sacrifice and service to others.

Growth Path

When healthy, Helpers are altruistic, empathetic, and nurturing. They provide genuine support and care for others without expecting anything in return. They maintain healthy boundaries and understand the importance of self-care.

Characteristics of a Healthy Type 2:

  • Altruistic: They give without expecting anything in return.

  • Empathetic: They genuinely understand and share the feelings of others.

  • Nurturing: They provide emotional support and encouragement, fostering growth in others.

Stress Path

Under stress, Helpers may become manipulative, possessive, and overly involved in others' lives. They can become resentful if their efforts are not appreciated or reciprocated, and may use guilt to maintain their relationships.

Characteristics of an Unhealthy Type 2:

  • Manipulative: They may use guilt or flattery to get their needs met.

  • Possessive: They can become overly attached and controlling.

  • Self-Neglectful: They may ignore their own needs in favor of others, leading to burnout and resentment.

Behaviors in Daily Life

Work: At work, Type 2s are collaborative and supportive team members. They excel in roles that involve caregiving, customer service, or any position where they can make a difference in others' lives. However, they may struggle with setting boundaries and can become overextended.

Relationships: In relationships, Helpers are affectionate, attentive, and devoted partners. They strive to meet their loved ones' needs and can sometimes overwhelm them with their efforts. Learning to balance their own needs with those of others is key to healthy relationships.

Personal Growth: Personal growth for Type 2 involves embracing self-love and recognizing that they are inherently worthy of love and appreciation. Practices such as mindfulness, self-reflection, and setting healthy boundaries can help them achieve a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Practical Tips for Type 2s

  1. Practice Self-Love: Recognize your inherent worth and practice self-affirmation. Understand that you are deserving of love and appreciation without needing to earn it.

  2. Set Healthy Boundaries: Learn to say no and prioritize your own needs. Healthy boundaries are essential for maintaining your well-being and avoiding burnout.

  3. Seek Mutual Relationships: Cultivate relationships where giving and receiving are balanced. Ensure that your relationships are reciprocal and that your own needs are being met.

  4. Develop Emotional Awareness: Pay attention to your own feelings and needs. Practice mindfulness and self-reflection to stay connected with your inner self.

  5. Embrace Vulnerability: Allow yourself to be vulnerable and express your own needs and feelings. Authenticity in relationships fosters deeper connections and mutual support.

Enneagram Type 2, The Helper, brings warmth, generosity, and a deep desire to make meaningful connections. By understanding their core traits, motivations, and paths of growth and stress, Helpers can harness their strengths and work towards a balanced and fulfilling life. Embracing self-love and recognizing their inherent worth can lead to greater self-acceptance and more authentic relationships.


Enneagram Type 3 - The Achiever: Core Traits and Behaviors


Enneagram Type 1 - The Reformer: Core Traits and Behaviors