Enneagram Type 6 - The Loyalist: Core Traits and Behaviors

Enneagram Type 6, also known as "The Loyalist" or "The Skeptic," is characterized by a deep need for security, support, and guidance. Loyalists are responsible, engaging, and often anxious, seeking to find safety and certainty in an unpredictable world. In this article, we will explore the core traits, motivations, fears, desires, and behaviors of Type 6, along with their growth and stress paths, holy idea, and original wound.

Core Traits

Engaging: Loyalists are engaging and approachable. They value connections with others and often build strong, supportive relationships.

Responsible: Type 6s are responsible and reliable, taking their commitments seriously. They are often seen as trustworthy and dependable.

Anxious: Loyalists tend to be anxious and cautious, always considering potential risks and dangers. This anxiety drives their need for security and certainty.

Suspicious: Type 6s can be skeptical and suspicious, often questioning others' motives and seeking reassurance before making decisions.


Loyalists are motivated by a need for security and support. They seek to find certainty and guidance in a world that can seem unpredictable and threatening.


The primary fear of Type 6 is being without support or guidance. This fear drives their search for reliable structures, authorities, and systems that can provide them with a sense of security.


The core desire of Type 6 is to feel secure and supported. They want to have a stable foundation and reliable support system that they can trust.

Holy Idea and Original Wound

Holy Idea: The holy idea for Type 6 is Holy Faith, representing the divine quality of trust in the universe and the divine. When connected to this holy idea, Loyalists understand that true security comes from inner faith and trust.

Original Wound: The original wound for Type 6 is the perceived loss of faith. This wound instills a deep sense of insecurity and drives their need to seek external sources of support and guidance.

Growth Path

When healthy, Loyalists are reliable, hardworking, and trustworthy. They provide stability and support to others, balancing their need for security with inner faith and confidence.

Characteristics of a Healthy Type 6:

  • Reliable: They are dependable and can be counted on in times of need.

  • Hardworking: They put in consistent effort and are committed to their responsibilities.

  • Trustworthy: They build trust through their consistent and reliable behavior.

Stress Path

Under stress, Loyalists may become anxious, suspicious, and indecisive. They can become overly reliant on others for reassurance and may struggle with self-doubt and fear.

Characteristics of an Unhealthy Type 6:

  • Anxious: They may become overwhelmed by anxiety and fear.

  • Suspicious: They can become overly skeptical and distrustful of others.

  • Indecisive: They may struggle to make decisions and seek excessive reassurance from others.

Behaviors in Daily Life

Work: At work, Type 6s are diligent and dependable team members. They excel in roles that require attention to detail and adherence to procedures. However, they may struggle with taking risks and can become overly cautious.

Relationships: In relationships, Loyalists are loyal and supportive partners. They seek stability and trust in their relationships but may struggle with jealousy and insecurity. Learning to balance their need for reassurance with trust in their partners is key to healthy relationships.

Personal Growth: Personal growth for Type 6 involves developing inner faith and confidence. Practices such as mindfulness, self-reflection, and building trust in oneself and others can help them achieve a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Practical Tips for Type 6s

  1. Cultivate Inner Faith: Develop a sense of inner faith and trust in yourself and the universe. Practice mindfulness and self-affirmation to build inner confidence.

  2. Manage Anxiety: Develop strategies to manage anxiety, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, and physical activity. Mindfulness can help you stay present and reduce anxious thoughts.

  3. Build Trust in Relationships: Focus on building trust and open communication in your relationships. Share your concerns and seek mutual understanding and support.

  4. Embrace Uncertainty: Learn to accept and embrace uncertainty as a natural part of life. Practice flexibility and adaptability to cope with unpredictable situations.

  5. Seek Balanced Support: While it is important to seek support from others, also develop your own problem-solving skills and self-reliance. Balance external support with inner strength.

Enneagram Type 6, The Loyalist, brings reliability, support, and a strong desire for security. Developing inner faith and managing anxiety can lead to greater self-acceptance and more stable relationships.


Enneagram Type 7 - The Enthusiast: Core Traits and Behaviors


Enneagram Type 5 - The Investigator: Core Traits and Behaviors