The Enneagram Levels of Development: Healthy, Average, and Unhealthy States

The Enneagram not only describes nine distinct personality types but also outlines how each type can manifest in various states of health and development. These states are categorized into three levels: healthy, average, and unhealthy.

Understanding these levels of development can provide deeper insights into your behavior, motivations, and potential for growth. In this article, we will explore the levels of development for each Enneagram type and how they influence personal growth and relationships.

Understanding the Levels of Development

The levels of development help us understand how our personality type manifests in different states of well-being. Each level reflects a range of behaviors and attitudes that can either enhance our personal growth or hinder our progress. By recognizing these levels, we can strive towards healthier expressions of our type and address areas that need improvement.

Healthy Levels

When individuals are in a healthy state, they express the best qualities of their Enneagram type. They are self-aware, balanced, and able to use their strengths positively. At this level, individuals are able to connect with their true selves and others in meaningful ways.

Healthy Traits:

  • Self-Awareness: Recognize and understand their motivations and behaviors.

  • Balance: Maintain a healthy balance between their needs and the needs of others.

  • Positive Use of Strengths: Utilize their strengths to contribute positively to their own lives and the lives of others.

Average Levels

In an average state, individuals exhibit both positive and negative traits of their Enneagram type. They may be functional and productive but can also be limited by their type's inherent challenges. At this level, individuals may struggle with self-doubt, anxiety, and conflicting desires.

Average Traits:

  • Functionality: Able to perform daily tasks and responsibilities but may struggle with deeper issues.

  • Self-Doubt: Experience uncertainty and anxiety about their abilities and worth.

  • Conflicting Desires: Torn between their aspirations and their fears or insecurities.

Unhealthy Levels

When individuals are in an unhealthy state, they express the most negative traits of their Enneagram type. They may be defensive, reactive, and disconnected from their true selves. At this level, individuals often experience significant emotional distress and relational difficulties.

Unhealthy Traits:

  • Defensiveness: React defensively to perceived threats or criticisms.

  • Reactivity: Exhibit impulsive or destructive behaviors.

  • Disconnection: Feel disconnected from themselves and others, leading to isolation and despair.

Levels of Development for Each Type

Type 1: The Reformer

  • Healthy: Wise, discerning, realistic, principled, and self-disciplined. Uses their high standards to improve themselves and their environment positively.

  • Average: Critical, perfectionistic, self-righteous, and judgmental. Struggles with frustration and resentment when things don't meet their standards.

  • Unhealthy: Obsessive, punitive, inflexible, and self-destructive. May become overly harsh and punitive towards themselves and others.

Type 2: The Helper

  • Healthy: Altruistic, empathetic, nurturing, and genuinely helpful. Offers support and care without expecting anything in return.

  • Average: People-pleasing, possessive, manipulative, and approval-seeking. May struggle with feeling unappreciated and overextended.

  • Unhealthy: Martyr-like, coercive, resentful, and self-neglectful. May use guilt and manipulation to get their needs met.

Type 3: The Achiever

  • Healthy: Self-assured, energetic, competent, and inspiring. Achieves success while maintaining integrity and authenticity.

  • Average: Competitive, image-conscious, overly driven, and superficial. May become preoccupied with success and validation.

  • Unhealthy: Deceptive, narcissistic, opportunistic, and manipulative. May resort to unethical behaviors to achieve their goals.

Type 4: The Individualist

  • Healthy: Creative, introspective, emotionally honest, and authentic. Embraces their uniqueness while staying grounded.

  • Average: Self-absorbed, moody, envious, and temperamental. May feel misunderstood and struggle with feelings of inadequacy.

  • Unhealthy: Depressive, self-destructive, alienated, and despairing. May withdraw from others and become trapped in negative emotions.

Type 5: The Investigator

  • Healthy: Insightful, innovative, objective, and knowledgeable. Uses their intellect to contribute meaningfully to the world.

  • Average: Detached, secretive, overly analytical, and isolated. May struggle with social interactions and emotional expression.

  • Unhealthy: Nihilistic, paranoid, obsessive, and emotionally withdrawn. May become consumed by fear and retreat into isolation.

Type 6: The Loyalist

  • Healthy: Reliable, hardworking, trustworthy, and courageous. Provides stability and support while maintaining inner faith.

  • Average: Anxious, suspicious, indecisive, and overly dependent. May struggle with self-doubt and seek excessive reassurance.

  • Unhealthy: Paranoid, defensive, self-destructive, and irrational. May become consumed by fear and exhibit erratic behavior.

Type 7: The Enthusiast

  • Healthy: Joyful, spontaneous, imaginative, and resilient. Embraces life with enthusiasm and positivity.

  • Average: Scattered, impulsive, undisciplined, and escapist. May struggle with commitment and avoid negative emotions.

  • Unhealthy: Manic, reckless, self-destructive, and disconnected. May engage in destructive behaviors to escape pain and boredom.

Type 8: The Challenger

  • Healthy: Strong, assertive, protective, and compassionate. Uses their power to support and uplift others.

  • Average: Domineering, confrontational, insensitive, and controlling. May struggle with vulnerability and exhibit aggressive behavior.

  • Unhealthy: Ruthless, tyrannical, violent, and self-destructive. May become consumed by anger and seek to dominate others.

Type 9: The Peacemaker

  • Healthy: Accepting, trusting, serene, and harmonious. Creates peace and stability while maintaining self-awareness.

  • Average: Complacent, avoidant, passive, and disengaged. May struggle with asserting their own needs and avoiding conflict.

  • Unhealthy: Resigned, disconnected, apathetic, and self-neglectful. May withdraw from life and become emotionally numb.

Understanding the levels of development for each Enneagram type provides valuable insights into how we can grow and navigate our personal challenges. By recognizing the signs of healthy, average, and unhealthy states, we can strive towards healthier expressions of our type and work on areas that need improvement. Embracing the journey of self-awareness and growth can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life.


How to Determine Your Enneagram Type: Tools and Tests