The Enneagram Wings: How They Influence Your Core Type

In the Enneagram system, each of the nine personality types is influenced by one or both of the adjacent types on the Enneagram diagram. These adjacent types are known as "wings." Your primary type remains dominant, but your wing adds additional flavor and complexity to your personality. Understanding your wings can provide deeper insights into your behavior, motivations, and potential growth paths. In this article, we will explore how wings influence your core type and provide an overview of each type's possible wings.

Understanding Wings

Wings are the two Enneagram types adjacent to your primary type. For example, if you are a Type 1, your wings are Type 9 and Type 2. Your dominant wing will influence your personality, adding specific traits and behaviors from that type to your core type. While some people strongly identify with one wing, others may feel that they are influenced by both wings to varying degrees.

How Wings Influence Your Core Type

Wings add complexity and depth to your primary Enneagram type. They can enhance certain traits, introduce new behaviors, and offer additional paths for growth and development. By understanding the influence of your wings, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of yourself and how you interact with the world.

Overview of Each Type's Possible Wings

Type 1: The Reformer

Wing 9 (1w9): The Idealist

  • Traits: More calm, patient, and receptive. Strives for peace and harmony while maintaining high standards.

  • Behavior: May avoid conflict and be more flexible in their pursuit of improvement.

Wing 2 (1w2): The Advocate

  • Traits: More empathetic, helpful, and people-oriented. Combines a sense of duty with a desire to assist others.

  • Behavior: May be more nurturing and willing to take on roles that involve caregiving or support.

Type 2: The Helper

Wing 1 (2w1): The Servant

  • Traits: More principled, disciplined, and ethical. Balances the desire to help others with a strong sense of duty and responsibility.

  • Behavior: May be more organized and structured in their approach to helping others.

Wing 3 (2w3): The Host/Hostess

  • Traits: More ambitious, charming, and success-oriented. Combines a desire to help with a drive for personal achievement.

  • Behavior: May be more focused on gaining recognition and appreciation for their efforts.

Type 3: The Achiever

Wing 2 (3w2): The Charmer

  • Traits: More sociable, engaging, and people-focused. Uses charm and interpersonal skills to achieve success.

  • Behavior: May be more inclined to seek validation through relationships and social interactions.

Wing 4 (3w4): The Professional

  • Traits: More introspective, creative, and individualistic. Combines a drive for success with a desire for authenticity and personal expression.

  • Behavior: May be more focused on achieving success in unique or unconventional ways.

Type 4: The Individualist

Wing 3 (4w3): The Aristocrat

  • Traits: More ambitious, self-confident, and image-conscious. Combines a desire for authenticity with a drive for recognition and achievement.

  • Behavior: May be more focused on using their creativity and individuality to achieve success.

Wing 5 (4w5): The Bohemian

  • Traits: More introspective, intellectual, and withdrawn. Combines a deep emotional intensity with a love for knowledge and understanding.

  • Behavior: May be more inclined to withdraw and focus on intellectual or creative pursuits.

Type 5: The Investigator

Wing 4 (5w4): The Iconoclast

  • Traits: More introspective, creative, and emotionally intense. Combines a love for knowledge with a desire for personal expression.

  • Behavior: May be more focused on using their intellect and creativity to explore unconventional ideas.

Wing 6 (5w6): The Problem Solver

  • Traits: More practical, loyal, and security-oriented. Combines a desire for knowledge with a focus on solving practical problems.

  • Behavior: May be more inclined to seek out stability and structure in their pursuit of knowledge.

Type 6: The Loyalist

Wing 5 (6w5): The Defender

  • Traits: More intellectual, analytical, and independent. Combines a need for security with a desire for understanding and knowledge.

  • Behavior: May be more focused on gathering information and understanding the world to feel secure.

Wing 7 (6w7): The Buddy

  • Traits: More sociable, adventurous, and spontaneous. Combines a need for security with a love for excitement and new experiences.

  • Behavior: May be more inclined to seek out social interactions and adventurous activities to feel secure.

Type 7: The Enthusiast

Wing 6 (7w6): The Entertainer

  • Traits: More responsible, loyal, and security-oriented. Combines a love for excitement with a focus on building stable relationships.

  • Behavior: May be more inclined to seek out social activities and build strong support networks.

Wing 8 (7w8): The Realist

  • Traits: More assertive, confident, and practical. Combines a love for excitement with a desire for control and power.

  • Behavior: May be more focused on achieving goals and taking charge of situations.

Type 8: The Challenger

Wing 7 (8w7): The Maverick

  • Traits: More adventurous, energetic, and spontaneous. Combines a desire for control with a love for excitement and new experiences.

  • Behavior: May be more inclined to take risks and seek out new opportunities.

Wing 9 (8w9): The Bear

  • Traits: More calm, patient, and receptive. Combines a desire for control with a focus on maintaining peace and harmony.

  • Behavior: May be more focused on using their strength to protect and support others.

Type 9: The Peacemaker

Wing 8 (9w8): The Referee

  • Traits: More assertive, confident, and protective. Combines a desire for peace with a focus on maintaining control and stability.

  • Behavior: May be more inclined to take charge of situations to ensure harmony.

Wing 1 (9w1): The Dreamer

  • Traits: More principled, disciplined, and idealistic. Combines a desire for peace with a focus on high standards and personal improvement.

  • Behavior: May be more focused on achieving inner and outer harmony through principled actions.

Understanding the influence of your wings can provide deeper insights into your personality and behavior. By exploring the traits and behaviors associated with your wings, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of yourself and how you interact with the world. Embracing the positive aspects of both your core type and your wings can lead to greater self-awareness, personal growth, and fulfillment.


The Enneagram Instinctual Variants: Self-Preservation, Social, and Sexual


Type 9 - The Peacemaker: Core Traits and Behaviors