The Authority in Human Design: Your Inner GPS

If you've been navigating life's crossroads based on external advice or sheer logic, it's time to switch gears and tune into your unique inner guidance system.

(If you're new to Human Design, we recommend starting with our introductory article.)

What Is Authority in Human Design?

In Human Design, Authority refers to the unique decision-making strategy tailored to your specific design. While your Type provides a general roadmap of your energetic makeup, your Authority fine-tunes this knowledge, helping you make choices aligned with your authentic self. Imagine you're driving: your Type tells you the kind of car you're in, while your Authority is the GPS guiding you turn by turn.

Types of Authority

The following are the primary Types of Authority in Human Design:

  1. Sacral Authority: Generators and some Manifesting Generators possess this Authority. It’s an intuitive gut response that can be accessed in the moment.

  2. Solar Plexus Authority: Common in Manifesting Generators, Projectors, and some Generators. Decision-making should happen when the emotional wave has ebbed, offering a sense of clarity.

  3. Spleen Authority: Usually found in Projectors, it's a form of intuitive knowing that happens in real-time, requiring immediate action.

  4. Heart/Will Center Authority: Exclusive to Manifestors, this Authority relies on the heart's desires and willpower.

  5. Self-Projected Authority: Specific to certain Projectors, this Authority taps into the individual’s core identity and is often accessed through vocalization or discussion.

  6. Environmental Authority: Unique to Reflectors, this Authority requires a lunar cycle for decision-making and is influenced by their environment.

  7. No Authority/Lunar Cycle: Another one for Reflectors, decisions are best made after waiting an entire lunar cycle to gain clarity.

  8. None/Mental: For some Projectors, decisions are made best in a trusted environment where they can discuss and mentally process their choices.

Your Authority and Your Type

Understanding your Authority becomes more impactful when seen through the lens of your Type. For instance, a Generator with Sacral Authority would benefit from waiting for their gut's "uh-huh" or "uh-uh" before making decisions. Meanwhile, a Projector with Spleen Authority should listen to their immediate intuitive hits for guidance. (For a deeper understanding of how Authority interacts with Types, refer to our article on the five Types in Human Design.)

The Practicality of Authority in Everyday Life

So, how does one apply this esoteric knowledge practically? Let's say you're a Manifesting Generator with Solar Plexus Authority. You're offered a job that initially excites you, but your emotional wave is high. Instead of saying yes immediately, wait for the emotional wave to subside and see if the offer still excites you. This pause for clarity can make a world of difference in your career satisfaction.

Trusting Your Authority Over External Influences

It's easy to seek advice from friends, family, or even experts when we're unsure. However, your Authority is designed to be your most reliable counselor. The more you rely on it, the more synchronized you become with your life's flow, making decisions that resonate deeply with your inner being.

Final Thoughts

Authority in Human Design is not about rigid rules; it's about authentic, heart-centered guidance that respects your unique energetic blueprint. By understanding and applying your Authority, you transform decision-making from a confusing or stressful task into a harmonious, self-affirming practice.

So the next time you stand at the crossroads of a major life decision, remember: your inner GPS knows the way. Trust it.


The Law of Vibration: Decoding the Cosmic Rhythm of the Universe


What are the different inner authorities in Human Design?