What are the different inner authorities in Human Design?
Understanding Different Inner Authorities in Human Design
Human Design is a system that combines principles from astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, and the Hindu-Brahmin chakra system. It offers valuable insights into our personality traits, strengths, and weaknesses. One important aspect of Human Design is understanding our "inner authority," which guides us in making decisions that align with our true nature. In this article, we will explore the six different inner authorities in Human Design and provide tips on how to tune in and make decisions for each type.
Emotional Authority: Ride the Emotional Wave
Emotional Authority is the most common inner authority in Human Design. People with this authority have a defined solar plexus center, which means that their emotional world is strong and powerful. Their strategy for making decisions involves riding the wave of their emotional response and waiting for clarity. Here are some tips for those with Emotional Authority:
Give yourself time: Don't rush decisions when you are in an emotionally-charged state. Wait for the emotional energy to settle before making a choice.
Track your emotions: Keep a journal or a record of your emotional responses to important decisions. Over time, patterns will emerge that can provide valuable insights and guidance.
Wait for clarity: Emotional Authority individuals need clarity before making a decision. Give yourself time to analyze the situation and see if your emotional response has shifted, indicating that clarity has been reached.
Sacral Authority: Trust Your Gut Response
People with Sacral Authority have a defined sacral center, which means they have access to an unlimited source of energy and creativity. Their strategy for making decisions involves tuning in to their gut response or sacral response. Here are some tips for those with Sacral Authority:
Ask yourself yes/no questions: Sacral Authority individuals need to be asked yes/no questions in order to tune in to their gut response. Instead of asking open-ended questions, ask specific questions that can be answered with a yes or no.
Wait for the sound: Sacral Authority people often have an audible response, either a sound of affirmation or a shrug of the shoulders, when answering yes or no questions. Pay attention to these responses.
Trust your gut response: Sacral Authority individuals have a strong gut response. Learn to trust the response and make decisions that align with the energetic pull you feel.
Splenic Authority: Listen to Your Intuition
People with Splenic Authority have a defined splenic center, which allows them to access their intuitive inner wisdom. Their strategy for making decisions involves following their intuition or inner voice. Here are some tips for those with Splenic Authority:
Act in the moment: Splenic Authority individuals need to act in the moment. Their intuitive guidance is best accessed when they are in the present moment and not overthinking a decision.
Trust your intuition: Splenic Authority people have a strong intuitive hit. Learn to trust your inner knowing and make decisions that align with your intuition.
Separate fear from intuition: Splenic Authority people may mistake fear for intuition. Learn to discern the difference by noticing whether the feeling is associated with physical sensations or anxious thoughts.
Ego Authority: Follow Your Heart and Will
People with Ego Authority have a defined ego center, which gives them access to their heart and willpower. Their strategy for making decisions involves following their heart's desire and embodying their willpower. Here are some tips for those with Ego Authority:
Follow your passions: Ego Authority individuals need to follow their passions and heart's desire. Making decisions that align with their creative expression is energizing.
Discern between ego and heart: Ego Authority people may mistake their ego's desire for their heart's desire. Learn to discern the difference by checking whether your desire is driven by your true values or the need for external validation.
Embody your willpower: Ego Authority people need to embody their willpower to make decisions. Manifesting what you desire allows alignment of your heart and your will.
Self-Projected Authority: Express Your Inner Knowing
Self-Projected Authority people have a defined throat center which is the only authority that comes from outside source. Their strategy is to express their inner-knowing outloud to interact with the world.
Inner knowing: Develop your intuition to know what feels true.
External validation: Talk about your feelings with those who would have experience with what you are trying to achieve.
Listen to feedback: Pay attention to feedback to feedback when expressing your inner knowing.
Lunar Authority: Act with the Lunar Cycle
Lunar Authority people don't have a defined inner knowing but it is related to the movement of the moon through the different gates. Their strategy is to align their decision-making to the lunar cycle.
Observe and reflect: Take time to reflect on the patterns that the lunar cycle brings to your life.
Pick a pace: Once you have a better understanding to know if your decision-making style is within the New Moon, Full Moon, or Waning Moon, take the decision on those moments.
Trust your gut: Lunar Authority people can use the emotional waves to drive their gut response.
Understanding and embracing your unique inner authority in Human Design can greatly enhance your decision-making process. By following the tips provided for each type, you can tune in to your true nature and make decisions that align with your authentic self.
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